As we enter our third national lockdown you may be finding that you are feeling more overwhelmed than the previous lockdowns.
Why is this?
The neural pathways we created in response to the previous lockdown means that our brains are able to respond quicker and stress levels are heightened. We have learnt to associate the word ‘lockdown’ with tough and stressful times and therefore may feel overwhelmed and tense. The government, media etc. are repeatedly telling us life is going to be tough so we then tell ourselves that’s how it’s going to be.
So why do we stress?
The stress response is a natural, protective mechanism, often referred to as the fight/flight response (sympathetic nervous system). It is activated when we perceive something to be beyond our control or are fearful of. Adrenalin and cortisol are released causing symptoms such as heart racing and blood pressure rising. In the long term staying in this heightened state for long periods of time can result in damage to our mental and physical health. In order to return to a calm relaxed state we need to activate our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).
My stress management program is very effective and highly successful. Using this program I have already helped both children and adults to manage their stress as they have learnt to be calm, confident and in control.
The stress management program that I offer moves people from this stressed state into a calmer state through teaching the strategies needed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This enables people to manage their stress so they feel calmer, more confident and can take back control of their lives.
Due to lockdown restrictions I am unable to see people in person but therapy can be carried out online, which is just as effective. I have already worked with many clients in this way and had great success.
Strategies to help with Covid stress:
· Focus on the things you can control
· Breath work – practise focused breathing through the nose, in to the count of 2 and out to the count of 4
· Practise mindfulness- being in the moment, take your thoughts to your favourite place of relaxation and notice all you can see, hear, smell and how good it feels to be there
· Exercise every day, even if this is just a short walk, this helps to burn off the stress hormones and releases your happy hormones
· Limit how much you follow the news on TV and social media to once a day, constantly following the news just intensifies your stress
· Keep to a daily routine; getting up and going to bed at the same time, eating 3 meals a day
· Include some relaxation time in your day
· Keep in touch with family and friends
· Don’t be afraid to ask for help
These strategies will help with all ages.
For more details or to sign up to the stress management program contact Debbie on 07774061411,